ESS Administrators Overview

Employee Self-Service administrators have certain functions that only they can access and perform. But they are also employees, and as such should refer to topics about ESS employee features.

When you login as an ESS admin, you'll see additional features in the HR, Payroll & ESS > Employee Self-Service menu.

Set up ESS

  1. Set up the leave approval process.

  2. Set up document management.

  3. Assign permissions so employees will be able to see and access ESS.

  4. Add ESS user accounts.

  5. Invite users to register for ESS.

  6. Schedule system emails to notify approvers there are requests awaiting their action.

Additional ESS administrator functions

For Users

For Documents

Edit ESS user accounts

Upload documents

Enable  user accounts

Track document acknowledgments

Disable user accounts

Delete documents

Send emails to users who have forgotten their passwords

Edit document information


Edit document categories


Delete document categories



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