Increment Salary Schedule Grade

Use the Increment Salary Schedule Grade function to increment the grade one level for a group of employees.

You can run this process in the middle of the year and prorate the salary increase without having to close the job, add a new job, and adjust the days worked.

Note: If you need to increment the grade for all employees on a particular salary schedule, you may want to use the Mass Increment Salary Schedule Grade and Apply Schedule command after you rollover salary schedules during the fiscal year end process. This function applies changes to a salary schedule and increments a grade on that schedule at the same time.

Increment salary schedule grade for selected employees

  1. Select Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use a filter to display the employees for whom you want to increment the grade.

  3. Check the box(es) for the employees you want to update, and select Increment Salary Schedule Grade from the More menu. The Increment Salary Schedule Grade window opens.

  4. Select the Adjustment Timeframe. Options are: Entire fiscal year or Remaining unpaid pay periods.

  5. Click OK. The information is updated, and the Result window opens displaying the changes that were made. Note: You may want to export the results to either Excel or PDF.

  6. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results.

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