Copy Dates to a Calendar

Use the Copy Dates to Calendar feature to speed the process of entering non-work days and other special days to rolled over calendars.

Note: This command will overwrite the dates on the calendars to which you're copying dates.

Run the Calendar Summary report for the old cycle to use as a reference
to enter non-work days for the new, rolled over calendars.

Copy dates

  1. Select Human Resources Configuration from the Human Resources menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Calendar tab. Note: Be sure that the accounting cycle displayed beside the Logout button is the accounting cycle that contains the calendar you want to edit. If this isn't the correct accounting cycle, select a different one.

  3. Select a new, rolled over calendar in which you've entered the additional non-work & other special days. If you haven't done that, select a calendar that will have non-work days that are similar to most other calendars, and enter the additional non-work days, holidays, and conference days, for that calendar. Click here for instructions.

  4. Check the box for the calendar whose dates you want to copy, and click Copy Dates To Calendar. That window opens displaying the name of the calendar from which you're copying dates.

  5. Select the calendar(s) to which you want to copy dates. All new and inactive calendars in the cycle are included in the list.
    Note: This command will overwrite the dates on the calendars to which you're copying dates.

  6. Click OK. The dates are copied to the selected calendar(s), and the Result window opens displaying successes and failures.

  7. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results. You're returned to the Calendar grid, and you'll see that the numbers of paid, partial, and non-work days in the source & target calendars match.

Now you'll need to edit the calendars, entering additional non-work and other special days. Refer to Designate Special Days on a Calendar for help adding specific types of days.


Return to Roll Over Calendars

Return to Human Resources Configuration — Calendar Tab