Copy a Calendar

The Copy a Calendar feature can be useful when you're initially creating your calendars. This action creates an exact duplicate of the selected calendar — including all its work and non-work days, holidays, etc.

For example, you may have 10-month and 12-month calendars that are essentially the same except for the length. You could create the 12-month calendar, copy it, and designate the additional non-work days for the 10-month calendar.

  1. Select Human Resources Configuration from the Human Resources menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Calendar tab. Note: Be sure that the accounting cycle displayed beside the Logout button is the accounting cycle that contains the calendar you want to copy. If this is not the correct accounting cycle, select a different one.

  3. Check the box for the calendar you want to copy, and click the Copy Calendar button. You're asked to confirm the action

  4. Click Yes, and the copy is created with the name "Copy of [original calendar name]."

  5. Continue to edit the copy as needed.

Return to Create a Calendar

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