Create a Salary Schedule Definition

You can define as many salary schedules as you need.

Create a salary schedule

  1. Select Human Resources Configuration from the Human Resources or Administration menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Salary Schedules tab. Note: The Current Accounting Cycle shows the accounting cycle that the salary schedule will be tied to. If this is not the correct accounting cycle, select a different one.

  3. Click the Add button, and the Add Salary Schedule window opens.

  4. Complete the fields as described. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  5. Click Save to return to the Configuration window. The new schedule has an Inactive status, and the grid at the bottom is ready for you to add grades to the schedule.

Add grades to the salary schedule

  1. Select the new salary schedule name is displayed in the Schedule pull-down list below the top grid.

  2. Click the down arrow beside the to display the commands for Grade, and select Add. The Add Salary Schedule Grade window opens.

  3. Enter a Grade Name, such as BA or BA+10, and click Save. Note: You may edit this field at any time.

  4. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you've entered all the grades for this salary schedule.

If you've added grades out of the order you want, use the Move Grade Up and Move Grade Down commands on the menu to re-order the sequence in which the grades will be listed in the salary schedule.


Continue with Add Steps to the Grades


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