Employee Photo

Use this window to add, change, and delete the photo that's displayed in the Employee Details window.

Add or change a photo

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. Click Edit Photo, and the Edit Photo window opens.

  5. Click the Select files... button.

  6. Browse to locate and select the photo. The photo will upload, and the message Done will be displayed.

  7. Click Close. You're returned to the Edit Employee popup, and the photo is displayed.

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Delete a photo

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. Click Edit Photo, and the Edit Photo window opens.

  5. Click the Clear Photo button, and the photo is removed.

  6. Click Close. You're returned to the Edit Employee popup, and the photo is removed.

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