Jobs Spanning Fiscal Years

Users can enter jobs that span fiscal years by setting the job end date to a date that falls after the end date of the accounting cycle. The accounting cycle for the following year does not have to exist to create these jobs.

Once you enter a job date that falls after the end of the accounting cycle, the following read-only fields become visible: Multi Year checkbox, Cycle Work Days, and Cycle Salary. The Multi Year box is checked, and the Cycle Work Days field is calculated based on the job begin & end dates.

Entering compensation amounts

Cycle salary for salary jobs

Complete the salary schedule fields OR enter the total salary amount, and the cycle salary is calculated. Cycle Salary = (Cycle Work Days / Work Days) x Salary.

Cycle salary for hourly jobs

Once you enter the Rate, the cycle salary is calculated. Cycle Salary = Rate x Cycle Work Days.

FYE rollover & multi-year jobs

The leftover compensation amounts for a fiscal year are rolled over to the new cycle during the FYE rollover process. The amount then appears in the Salary field. Salary and Cycle Salary are the same if this is the final year of the multi-year job based on the End Date for the cycle and the End Date for the job. The Multi Year box will also be displayed as unchecked to indicate that this is now a single-year job.


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