Add a Job — Manage Employees window

You can always add a new job — including a supplemental job — to an active employee record.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to save the record. The other fields are not required to save the record, but may be required for reporting purposes. They may be completed later if the information isn't available at the moment.

Available jobs (Job Name field) are defined in Master Position Management.

Add a job

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee for whom you want to add a job.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Employee Details popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click Add on the Jobs tab, and the Add Employee Job window opens.

  6. Complete the job fields as described.

  7. Complete the pay fields as described.

      • *Hours Per Day: Defaults based on the master position, but may be edited. Note: This field is required to save the record — for minimum wage considerations — but not to figure the compensation for salary and daily jobs.

      • Work Days: Defaults based on the master position / job begin & end dates, but may be edited.

      • Salary:

        • Edit the default as needed for salary jobs. If the salary job spans fiscal years, enter the total salary for the length of the contract.

        • The field is read-only for daily & hourly jobs. The system calculates the salary using the following formulas: Hourly Rate * Hours/Day * Work Days for hourly jobs and Hourly Rate * Work Days for daily jobs.

  8. Contract fields: Complete these fields if you print contracts from the system.

  9. Account Code: Use the account code assistant and the account code allocation window to enter the default account code(s) for the job.

  10. Comments: (Optional) Enter text in the box. This text will be printed on the paycheck if the option has been setup in Payroll Configuration.

  11. Custom Fields: Complete any required state-specific fields.

  12. To save a single job, skip to step 12. To add other jobs for this employee, skip to step 13.

  13. Click Save to save this job.

  14. Click Save and Add to save this job and add other jobs for this employee.

  15. Repeat steps 6 - 13, until you've finished adding jobs for this employee.

To approve multiple jobs for this employee, continue with Approve a Job.

Continue with Approve a Job

Return to Jobs Overview