Set Mass Values — Master Position Management

The Set Mass Values feature allows you to update the calendars and begin & end dates for multiple job/addendum templates. This feature can be helpful when setting up the new year if you didn't rollover master positions or if you changed the calendar or begin/end dates in the new year before rolling over master positions. It can also be useful during AptaFund implementation.

You can only update inactive positions, and you can update only one field at a time.

  1. Select Master Position Management from the Human Resources menu, and the window opens.

  2. Check the boxes for the inactive master positions you want to update. You may want to filter the list to find the master positions to update.

  3. Select Set Mass Values from the More menu, and the Set Mass Values window opens.

  4. Select the field you want to update from the Column drop-down list. Depending on which column you select, you will see either a drop-down list of available calendars or a date field to select the begin or end date.

  5. Select the Calendar, or enter the Begin Date or End Date.

  6. Click OK. The Result window opens listing the results of the action — either success or failure. You may wish to print the results.

  7. Click Close when you're done reviewing the results.


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