Edit a Leave Transaction — Leave Balances window

You can only edit unposted leave transactions. If you need to edit the amount of leave that was rolled over or change a beginning balance that was entered incorrectly, you'll have to enter an adjustment-type leave transaction.

If you want to edit multiple transactions for a single employee or group of employees, it will be faster to do it from the Leave Details window. You can also edit leave transactions in the Manage Employees window.

Edit a Leave Transaction

  1. Select Leave Balances from the Leave menu, and that window opens.

  2. Check the box for the employee and leave type whose unposted transaction you want to edit, and click Edit. The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  3. Check the box for the unposted transaction you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Transaction Record link. The Edit Leave Transaction window opens.

  4. Edit the fields as needed, and click Save.

Return to Leave Balances Window Overview