Create a Payroll Liabilities Voucher

About payroll liabilities vouchers

Create a payroll liabilities voucher

  1. Select Manage Payroll Vouchers from the Payroll menu. The Manage Payroll Vouchers window opens, listing all the vouchers for the selected accounting cycle.

  2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the window, and the Voucher Detail window opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk(*).

  4. Click Save. The record is saved, and the unpaid liabilities are displayed. Sample Voucher Detail window

  5. Optional. Use a filter to narrow the list of liabilities to the ones you want to pay on this voucher. See Filters for instructions.

  6. Check the boxes beside the liabilities to select them for the voucher.

  7. Click the Include button at the bottom of the window. The liability status for the selected liabilities is set to Included, and the Voucher total is displayed at the top of the window.

  8. When finished including liabilities, click the Return to Search link in the upper right corner of the window to return to the Manage Payroll Vouchers window.

You're now ready to approve the voucher, unless you need to make adjustments or split a liability.

You may want to run the following reports before you approve the voucher.
The Payroll Liability Voucher Form report to review the employee and employer amounts
The Payroll Voucher by Vendor report to review the expense or liability codes.


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