Excluded Deductions by Deduction Report

The Excluded Deductions by Deduction Report lists the employees who had deduction payments excluded from paychecks for a payroll period.

Excluding deductions from an employee paycheck most often occurs when an employee does not have sufficient wages to cover the deductions. See Exclude Deductions from a Payroll Register for more information.

This report is sorted by the deduction(s) you specify in the report parameters. Select the Excluded Deductions by Employee Report to sort the report by employee.

The report can be reached by selecting Reports > Payroll > Excluded Deductions by Deduction Report and can be created as a PDF or Excel file.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: vendor & deduction name, employee name & SSN, department, paycheck site, payroll register number, employee & employer fixed & percentage amounts for the deduction, and user who excluded the deductions..

Report filters are:

Sample report

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