Read the information in Period Accruals Overview.
Ensure that you have balancing accounts specified for this process.
Run the Period Accrual Report.
If the report output is not correct, see Correcting Errors in the Period Accrual Report before running the Period Accrual Data Export.
If the report output is correct, continue with step 2.
For the first accounting period of
a new accounting cycle, skip to step 6.
For subsequent accounting periods, continue with step 4.
Void the transaction for the last accounting period's accrual journal entry. Note: You can use the Quick Search field to locate it by searching for Monthly Payroll Accrual and then selecting the record dated for the last day of the prior accounting period.
Locate and review the new accrual journal entry created by the Period Accrual Data Export. Note: You can use the Quick Search field to locate it by searching for Monthly Payroll Accrual and then selecting the record dated for the last day of the current accounting period.
Post the new accrual transaction.
Return to Period Accruals Overview