Add Shipping Cost to a Vendor Invoice

Shipping costs may only be added to New vendor invoices.

Account code allocation

When you add a shipping cost to an invoice, the system allocates that cost proportionally to each of the account codes already entered in line items on the invoice.

If additional line items are added after you have already added a shipping cost, the shipping line item account code allocations will not be re-allocated to reflect any additional account codes or changes in quantities or price.

If you add items after adding the shipping cost, you can delete the shipping line item and then add it again to get the system to re-calculate the shipping account code allocations based on the new information.

Two ways of adding shipping costs

You can add shipping costs to an invoice either from the More menu in the Vendor Invoice window or from the Edit Invoice window. If you need to add shipping costs to multiple invoices, we recommend using the Edit Invoice window.

Add shipping cost in the Vendor Invoice window

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Check the box for a New invoice, and select Add Shipping Cost from the More menu. The Shipping Cost window opens.

  3. Enter the amount in the Shipping Cost field, and click OK. The shipping cost is added to the invoice and allocated proportionally between the account codes used on the invoice.

Add shipping cost in the Edit Invoice window

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Check the box(es) to select invoice(s) in the New state, and click the Edit button. The Edit Invoice window opens.

  3. Click Add Shipping Cost in the Invoice Items tab, and the Shipping Cost window opens.

  4. Enter the amount in the Shipping Cost field, and click OK. The shipping cost is added to the invoice and allocated proportionally between the account codes used on the invoice.


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