Re-Transmit an eCommerce Purchase Order

Issuing a PO to an eCommerce vendor will transmit the cXML document to the vendor, instead of printing out the PO.

The success or failure of the transmission will be displayed in the Purchase Order grid.

If the transmission fails, you can re-transmit the issued PO.

Re-transmit a PO

  1. Select Purchase Order from the Purchasing menu. The Purchase Order window opens.

  2. If needed, select the vendor to shorten the list and make it easier to locate the PO. You can enter the vendor name in the Quick Search field or use the pinned Ordering Vendor filter.

  3. Select the issued PO whose transmission failed, and select Re-Transmit Purchase Order from the More menu. The PO is re-transmitted, and the Result window opens displaying the success or failure of the re-transmission.

  4. Click Close to close the Result window.


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