Vendor Management Overview

Use Vendor Management to add, change, or delete vendors and view vendor balances, POs, and vendor invoices for the selected year.

About vendors

You'll use vendors in the Payroll, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Receiving modules.

Active/inactive status

Once a vendor is active in the system, it cannot be deleted, but it can be disabled and will become inactive once there are no longer any purchase requisitions, purchase orders, order Receipts, or invoices that reference it.

1099 vendors

AptaFund tracks payments made to 1099 vendors and provides electronic filing and the ability to adjust 1099 amounts as required. You can change a vendors 1099 status at any time, however AptaFund will only track purchases made from the time you specify them as 1099. The system does not retroactively calculate 1099 amounts.

View balances

You can view vendor balances in the Vendor Management window. The column headers for all but the Open column are dynamically generated to show the appropriate years.

Vendor Management functions & features

Add a vendor

About eCommerce

Add, edit, and delete vendor addressesThe Payment address type is required for accounts payable, and you can run the Vendor Contact Information report to verify vendor contact & address information.

Add, edit, and delete vendor contact information

Edit a vendor

Delete a vendor

Enable a vendor

Disable a vendor

Setting up parent-child vendor relationships

Attach files to a vendor record

Vendor reports


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