Employee Leave Detail

From the Leave Detail tab in the Edit Employee window, you can add, edit and delete leave records for an employee.

You can also export a report listing the leave currently displayed in the Leave Detail tab. Click to export the report to Excel or to export it to a PDF.

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Add a leave record

  1. Select a leave type from the drop-down list. If the employee has taken this type of leave, the leave dates & amounts will be displayed in the window.
    Note: Leave types are created in Payroll Configuration > Leave Types.

  2. Click . The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described.

  4. Click Save. You're returned to the Leave Detail tab with the new record displayed. The totals for available leave and leave entered are calculated by the system and displayed at the bottom of the tab.

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Edit a leave record

  1. Select a leave type from the drop-down list. If the employee has taken this type of leave, the leave dates & amounts will be displayed in the window.

  2. Click the checkbox beside the leave date to be edited, and click , or click the date link. The popup window opens displaying the leave fields.

  3. Edit the date, amount, and comment fields as needed.

  4. Click Save. The changes are displayed in the Leave Detail tab.

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Delete a leave record

  1. Select a leave type from the drop-down list. If the employee has taken this type of leave, the leave dates & amounts will be displayed in the window.

  2. Click the checkbox(es) beside the leave date(s) to be deleted, and click . A confirmation window opens.

  3. Click Yes. The records are deleted, and a message detailing the number of records deleted is displayed in the Leave Detail tab.

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