The Edit Invoice window may be opened for invoices in any state, but only New invoices may be edited.
However, in the Edit Invoice window, you can
Cancel submitted and pending invoices — If you need to change a submitted or pending invoice, first cancel it, then copy it to create a new one.
Copy cancelled, submitted, pending, and paid invoices
Unsubmit submitted invoices
Submit pending invoices
Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.
Check the box(es) to select invoice(s) in the New state, and click the Edit button, or click the Invoice Number link to edit a single invoice. The Edit Invoice window opens.
If desired, set the invoiced quantity for all items on the invoice.
Edit the header items as needed.
Edit the invoice items as needed. Click here for instructions.
Click the Save button when finished making changes.
Continue with Add Shipping Cost, Apply Tax, or Apply Discount/Premium, if needed.
If ready, continue with Submit a Vendor Invoice or Express Warrant Printing.
Return to Vendor Invoice Overview