Use recurring billing items to create similar bills for many customers. A recurring is linked to a single category and has default cost and account information that can be overridden when the item is added to a bill schedule.
Select Recurring Billing Items from the Accounts Receivable menu, and the Recurring Item Catalog window opens.
Click at the bottom of the window,
and the Recurring Item
window opens in a popup.
Complete the fields as described below.
Category: Required. Select from the pull-down list.
Enabled: Required. Select Enabled for current use. Note: An item may be inactivated for future use at any time by changing the status to Disabled. The past records created using the item are not deleted, but the item is no longer available.
Item ID: Required. Enter an alphanumeric ID of up to 8 characters.
Show Unit Cost/Measure on Invoice: Check this box to include this information on the invoice.
Description: Enter a longer description of the item.
Unit Cost: Required. The unit cost may be 0.00, but may not be blank. The default may be overridden when the item is added to a bill schedule.
Default Account Code: Select the revenue account that will be the default account for this item. The default can be changed when adding this item to a bill schedule.
When finished, click Save.
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