The Accounts Receivable module consists of three main functions — cash receipts, billing, and customer management. There are also many ways of reporting on AR data.
The AptaFund Cash Receipts module provides the user with the ability to post cash revenues to the general ledger and allocate those revenues to the desired account codes.
Use the Cash Receipts Configuration window to designate settings that will be used throughout the Cash Receipts module.
The cash receipts functions are:
Create a cash receipts batch
Submit a cash receipts batch
Approve a cash receipts batch
Un-submit a cash receipts batch
Reject a cash receipts batch
Void a cash receipts batch
The billing feature enables districts to bill "customers" on a one-time or recurring basis and to print invoices from the bills.
The different parts are:
A/R Records: View the list of invoices in the system, review and edit them. Also create invoices that don't result from a bill schedule and create credit memos.
Bill Schedules: Create one-time and recurring bills, post the bills (schedules), and print invoices.
Billing Items: Billing items are the individual transactions for which the user wishes to bill a customer. Use the Billing Items window to view the list of items included on all the bill schedules (bills), and add, edit, and delete items.
Tables: You'll use the AR tables to set up items once that can then be used repeatedly to streamline the billing process by reducing repetitive data entry.
Categories: Use categories to speed the process of creating invoices by indicating default descriptions, billing, invoice & ledger account information that will be used when billing items linked to a category.
Event/Jobs: Use an event/job record for things that will be billed repeatedly, e.g. workshops. An event/job is linked to a single category.
Recurring Billing Items: Use recurring billing items to create similar bills for many customers. A recurring item is linked to a single category and has default cost and account information that can be overridden when the item is added to a bill schedule.
Reports: A wide range of reports is available in the AR module. See AR Reports Overview for a list and links to instructions & samples for the reports.