Account Journal

Use the Account Journal windows — Actual, Encumbrance, or Budget — to review the list of transactions for a selected account for the selected accounting cycle. Click here for definitions of the fields in this window.

Account Journal - Actual

The Account Journal - Actual window is read-only and provides an account specific view of all actual transactions that occurred in the current accounting cycle along with the account balances — budget, actuals, and encumbrances. Sample window

  1. Select Actual, then Account Journal - Actual from the General Ledger menu.

  2. Enter the account code, or click the to use the Account Code Assistant to select the account to view.

  3. Optional. Enter begin and end dates to view transactions for a date range. Note: If a begin date is specified that is other than the accounting cycle begin date, the displayed account balances will only represent the effects of the transactions in the date range you specified, not the entire balance of the accounts.

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Account Journal - Encumbrance

The Account Journal - Encumbrance window is read-only and provides an account specific view of all encumbrance transactions that occurred in the current accounting cycle along with the account balances — budget, actuals, and encumbrances. Sample window

  1. Select Encumbrance, then Account Journal - Encumbrance from the General Ledger menu.

  2. Enter the account code, or click the to use the Account Code Assistant to select the account to view.

  3. Optional. Enter begin and end dates to view transactions for a date range. Note: If a begin date is specified that is other than the accounting cycle begin date, the displayed account balances will only represent the effects of the transactions in the date range you specified, not the entire balance of the accounts.

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Account Journal - Budget

The Account Journal - Budget window is read-only and provides an account specific view of all budget transactions that occurred in the current accounting cycle along with the account balances — budget, actuals, and encumbrances. Sample window

  1. Select Budget, then Account Journal - Budget from the General Ledger menu.

  2. Enter the account code, or click the to use the Account Code Assistant to select the account to view.

  3. Optional. Enter begin and end dates to view transactions for a date range. Note: If a begin date is specified that is other than the accounting cycle begin date, the displayed account balances will only represent the effects of the transactions in the date range you specified, not the entire balance of the accounts.

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Column definitions

Fields that are not self-explanatory are described below.

Posted Status: Only posted transactions are displayed in this window.

TransDate: The date the transaction is recognized.

RecordingDate: The date the transaction was recorded in the system.

PostingDate: The date the transaction was posted.

Transaction Number: The number AptaFund assigned to the entire transaction.

Source: The AptaFund module that created the transaction.

Source ID: A number that can be used to track the transaction in the source module.

Description: A description of the transaction and the action that posted it to the general ledger. For example, if you are viewing a transaction generated by approving a payroll register, the Description field will display the approval, the register number, and other details.


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