Approve Jobs for a Group of Employees — Employee Jobs window

Jobs must be approved in order to make them available in the Payroll module.

Make sure all job information is correct before mass approving jobs. Correcting job information after mass approval requires you to close each of the jobs, make the needed corrections, and re-approve the jobs. Note: You can use the Close Jobs command in Employee Jobs to speed the process.

Approve jobs in Employee Jobs

  1. Select Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Check the box(es) for the job(s) you want to approve, and click Approve Job(s). You're asked to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes. When the process is complete, the Result window opens displaying successes and failures.

  4. Click Close to close the Result window after you've reviewed and/or exported the information.

The approved jobs are now available for payroll processing, and a general ledger transaction is written to encumber the funds.


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