W-2 Process Overview

AptaFund provides both the W-2 data export that creates the file to submit to the SSA and the report format for printing paper copies of the W-2s to distribute to employees.

Use the Employee W-2 Information window to review and verify the information before creating the export file and paper copies. W-2 information is pulled from verified payroll registers and employee deduction set information.

You can use two reports to verify employee information — W-2 Form Summary Report & W-2 Form Summary Table Report. The W-2 Form Summary must match the 941 balances from each quarter.

Creating W-2s for Employees not Tracked in AptaFund

In order to create W-2s for employees who are no longer working and who are not already in the AptaFund system, add them using the Manage Employees window. This action makes them available in the Employee W-2 Information window, where you can create a W-2. They will also appear in the W-2 Data Export.

Note: Remember to update addresses for these employees.

W-2 Process

Outside AptaFund:

  1. Setup or update an account with the SSA to file electronically

  2. Order paper forms and envelopes from Harris Forms. http://www.harrisforms.com

In AptaFund:

  1. System configuration: Check the employer's federal EIN, installation address, and contact information.

  2. Payroll configuration: Check the W-2 Export PIN.

  3. Manage deductions: Specify the deductions that are required to appear in different boxes on the W-2 form when creating deductions.

  4. Make any needed adjustments in the Employee W-2 Information window to:

  5. W-2 Data Export: Create the file to submit to the SSA, and save it to a location you'll remember.

  6. Form W-2 Wage & Tax Statement: Create the paper copies to distribute to employees.

Outside AptaFund:

  1. Use the SSA's AccuWage application to verify your export file before submitting it to the SSA.

  2. Submit the file to the SSA.

  3. Distribute W-2 copies to employees. If your district has the Employee Self Service module, employees may download their W-2s once they have given consent to receiving them electronically.

W-2 Reports

W-2 Adjustment Report

W-2 Form Summary Report

W-2 Form Summary Table Report


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