Adjusting W-2 Form Information

Use this window to adjust amounts to be reported on an employee's W-2.

Adjustments made here cannot be edited or deleted. If they are incorrect, you must make correcting adjustments.

After creating W-2 adjustments, run the W-2 Adjustment Report to verify the employees who received an adjustment.

To adjust W-2 form information for an employee:

  1. Select Employee W-2 Information from the Payroll menu, and the window opens.

  2. Click in the Employee Name field, and select the employee from the drop-down list.

  3. Click in the Calendar Year field, and select the calendar year for the W-2 information. The W-2 information is then displayed. Note: The adjustment reason column isn't displayed by default. Use the Table Display Settings popup to select the column.

  4. Check the box for the W-2 box you want to adjust, and click the Add Adjustment button at the bottom of the window. The Employee W-2 Adjustment Detail window opens.
    The amount in the Register Total field is the sum of the W-2 box information taken from paid payroll registers for the selected employee, and it is read-only.

  5. Enter the amount that should be reported in the Adjusted Value field.

  6. Required: Complete the Adjustment Reason field. Once you save the adjustment, this text appears in the Reason field in the lower grid.

  7. Click the Save button. You're asked to confirm that you want to make the change with the following message, "Adjustments made to the W-2 information only changes the figures printed on the employee W-2 form. It does not change Payroll information already stored in the system. If these changes have been made subsequent to the submission of information to the IRS and/or issuance of the W-2 to the employee, you must create and submit form W-2c for each correction. Are you sure you want to make these changes?"

  8. Click Yes to save the adjustment. The record is saved, and the information displayed in the W-2 Adjustments grid in the bottom of the window.

  9. Click the Return to Search link in the upper right corner to return to the employee's W-2 information.

  10. Repeat steps 4-9 to make additional adjustments for this employee.

After creating W-2 adjustments, run the W-2 Adjustment Report to verify the employees who received an adjustment.


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