Create a cash receipts batch

Cash receipt batches may contain a single item or multiple items.

  1. Select Cash Receipts from the Receivables menu, and the Cash Receipts window opens.

  2. Click the Add button, and the New Cash Receipt Batch window opens. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.

  3. Complete the fields as described below.

  4. Click Save when finished, and the Cash Receipt Items tab is displayed.

  5. Click the Add button on the Cash Receipt Items tab, and the Cash Receipt Item popup opens. Use this form to enter an individual receipt that will be on the deposit.

  6. Complete the fields as described below. Required fields are designated by a red asterisk.

  7. Click Save when finished, and the receipt is saved to the batch and displayed in the Cash Receipt Items grid. Or click Save and Add to enter additional receipts.

  8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 until you've finished adding receipts to the batch.

  9. Click Save, and the batch is saved with a status of New.

Once a cash receipts batch has been saved, it must be submitted.

You can submit the batch by clicking the Submit Batch button in the Cash Receipts Batch Form window, but if you want to submit a group of batches, click here for instructions.


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