Cash Receipts Overview

The Cash Receipts module provides the user with the ability to process revenue receipts in batches and to post cash revenues to the general ledger, allocating those revenues to the desired account codes.

Once approved, a cash receipt batch appears in the bank account register window as a deposit in the appropriate bank account.

About cash receipts and banking

Cash receipt batches cannot be split between bank accounts.

Only account codes related to the bank account selected for the batch may be used to allocate funds for receipts in the batch.

The cash receipt amounts flow automatically to the general ledger.

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Cash receipts process

  1. Create a cash receipts batch.

  2. Submit the batch.

  3. Approve the batch.

Other actions & windows

Cash receipt batch statuses & actions

New: The batch has been saved, but not yet submitted. It can be edited, submitted, copied, and deleted.

Submitted: The batch has been submitted for approval and cannot be edited, submitted, or deleted. If you need to edit it, you must first un-submit it. If you need to delete it, you must first reject it.

Approved: The transactions included in the batch have been posted to the general ledger, and the batch cannot be unsubmitted, deleted or rejected. If the funds aren't deposited, the batch must be voided in order to void the GL transactions.

Rejected: The batch is unavailable for approval, but may be deleted. Cash receipts that were on the rejected batch must then be added to a new cash receipts batch if they are to be posted to the general ledger.

Void: GL transactions on a void batch are voided. No action may be taken on void batches.


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