Anatomy of the FYE Rollover Dashboard

This topic describes what you see when you look at the Rollover Dashboard. Click here for more information about the rollover dashboard, here for the rollover checklist, or here for instructions on using the rollover dashboard.

This topic describes the links you see when you hover over a task,  item statuses, prerequisite actions, report links, and how to collapse the sections.

Click here for information on the consolidated tasks buttons.

Task links

Item statuses


Status icons

Status information

Clicking the details link for a task reveals further information about the status.

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Prerequisite actions

You can hover your cursor over an item with any status to see the prerequisites for that item. The illustrations below show the tool tips for disabled & enabled items.

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Report links

If a task has a report that can be used to verify the data, the dashboard will include a link to the report labeled validation. The link will be visible only when the task is available/enabled or it has been completed, and it will be visible only to users with permissions to the report. Click the validation link to navigate to the report setup page.

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Collapsible sections

The dashboard is a long window once the new cycle has been created — and when you want to work on the tasks toward the bottom of the window, you may want to collapse some of the upper sections to more easily see the section in which you're working.

In the illustration below, the top three sections are collapsed to make it easier to see the Human Resources section. Note that the collapsed sections are designated by a clickable down arrow on the right side of the panel, and the open section is designated by a clickable up arrow. To open the section, click the down arrow. To collapse a section, click the up arrow.

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