Contract Bookmark List

This topic contains a list of the bookmarks that are available for use in employee contracts and where the source of the data that will be referenced by the bookmarks.

The first list contains bookmarks available in all the contract layout popups. The second list contains bookmark blocks that are available only in the Body layout popup.

Bookmarks Available in All Contract Layout Popups

Bookmark Label

Bookmark Name

Data Source


Professional association dues

HR Configuration


Benefit cost limit

HR Configuration


Birth date

Manage Employees > General


Board non offer day

HR Configuration


Board one year offer day

HR Configuration


Budget override day

HR Configuration


Years of experience career

Manage Employees >  Employment



Manage Employees > Addresses



Manage Employees >  Employment


Displays as First name MI Last name

Manage Employees > General


Contract date

Manage Employees > Jobs


Contract status

Manage Employees > Jobs


Contract type

Manage Employees > Jobs + Master Position Management


Begin date of current cycle

COA > Accounting Cycle


End date of current cycle

COA > Accounting Cycle



Manage Employees >  Employment


Last name, first name, MI

Manage Employees > General


Years of experience district

Manage Employees >  Employment


Employee number

Manage Employees > General



Manage Employees > General


Certificate endorsement for first certificate

Manage Employees > Certificates


Expiration date for first certificate

Manage Employees > Certificates


Certificate type for first certificate

Manage Employees > Certificates


Pay date for first period in payroll cycle

Payroll > Payroll Cycles > Payroll Periods


Employee first pay date of cycle

Manage Employees > Jobs + Payroll > Payroll Cycles > Payroll Periods


First name

Manage Employees > General



Manage Employees > Jobs



Manage Employees > General


Group life insurance

HR Configuration


Growth retreat allowance

HR Configuration


Employee comment

Manage Employees > General

{heCustom1c} - {heCustom20c}

Custom 1 - 20

Manage Employees > General


Job comment

Manage Employees > Jobs


Hire date

Manage Employees >  Employment


Voice phone #

Manage Employees > Addresses


Hours per day

Manage Employees > Jobs


Hours per day x 5

Manage Employees > Jobs


Pay date for last period in payroll cycle

Payroll > Payroll Cycles > Payroll Periods


Employee last pay date of cycle

Manage Employees > Jobs + Payroll > Payroll Cycles > Payroll Periods


Last name

Manage Employees > General


Job salary written out in words

Manage Employees > Jobs


Total salary written out in words

Manage Employees > Jobs


Middle initial from Middle name

Manage Employees > General


Individual job salary

Manage Employees > Jobs


School year

HR Configuration



Manage Employees >  Employment



Manage Employees > General



Manage Employees > Addresses


Years of experience state

Manage Employees >  Employment


Address 1

Manage Employees > Addresses


Address 2

Manage Employees > Addresses



Manage Employees > General


The date the contract was generated

Computer system date


Total salary of all jobs

Manage Employees > Jobs



Manage Employees > Addresses


Bookmark Blocks Available in Body Layout Popup

Block Label

Fields Included in Block

Data Source


Job name, account code, % allocation

Manage Employees > Jobs


Certificate type, endorsement, expiration date. Includes all the employee's certificates

Manage Employees > Certificates


Job name, salary schedule name, grade, and step

Manage Employees > Jobs


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