Salary Schedule Detail

The Salary Schedule Detail window provides a flattened data view that includes the information from both the top and bottom grids in HR Configuration > Salary Schedules. Sample

This window provides an easy way to view a salary schedule's grades and steps.

You can also add, edit selected steps, edit all steps, and delete salary schedule steps, as well as adjust the order of the steps within a salary schedule. Note: You can't create a new salary schedule or salary schedule grades in this window. You have to do that in HR Configuration > Salary Schedules.

Add salary schedule steps

  1. Select Salary Schedule Detail from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: You may want to filter the window to view and work with a single salary schedule at a time.

  2. Click Add, and the Salary Schedule Step popup opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described.

  4. Click Save to save a single record, or click Save and Add to create an additional step.

Edit salary schedule steps

  1. Select Salary Schedule Detail from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: You may want to filter the window to view and work with a single salary schedule at a time.

  2. Check the box(es) for the step(s) you want to edit, and click Edit. The Salary Schedule Step popup opens.

  3. Edit the step name, proposed multiplier, or proposed amount as needed.

  4. Click Save to save a single record, or click Save and Next if you've selected multiple steps to edit.

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Edit all salary schedule steps

  1. Select Salary Schedule Detail from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: You may want to filter the window to view and work with a single salary schedule at a time.

  2. Click Edit All. The Salary Schedule Step popup opens.

  3. Edit the step name, proposed multiplier, or proposed amount as needed.

  4. Click Save and Next to edit the next record.

  5. When finished editing all, click Save to return to the Salary Schedule Detail window.

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Delete salary schedule steps

Deleting a step from one salary schedule grade will cause the step to be deleted from all grades in the selected schedule.

  1. Select Salary Schedule Detail from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: You may want to filter the window to view and work with a single salary schedule at a time.

  2. Check the box(es) for the step(s) you want to delete, and click Delete. You're asked to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes if you're sure you want to delete the step(s) from all grades in the schedule. The Result window opens displaying successes & failures.

  4. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results.

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Adjust the order of salary schedule steps

  1. Select Salary Schedule Detail from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: You may want to filter the window to view and work with a single salary schedule at a time.

  2. Select Adjust Step Order from the More menu, and that window opens.

  3. Select the Schedule Name and Grade from the pull-down lists. The steps for the selected schedule and grade will be displayed.

  4. Check the box for a step, and click Move Step Up or Move Step Down as needed.

  5. Repeat step 4 until you have the order you want.

  6. Click Close when you're finished adjusting the order.

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