Warrant Printing Overview

Only warrants on Approved vouchers can be printed.

Before you begin

You must configure A/P Warrants in Purchasing Configuration before printing warrants.

The text entered in the Account Number field in Vendor Management will be printed on the memo line on accounts payable checks if the setting to print the memo line is set to Yes in Purchasing Configuration > AP Warrants.

In order to use EFTs, you must configure vendors to receive electronic payments and complete some parameters in Purchasing Configuration. This setup allows you to use the ACH Data Export.

What happens when warrants are printed / EFT payments are made?

Warrants: The selected warrants are printed to a single PDF file. The PDF can then be sent to the printer to print the individual warrants on check stock. Zero amount warrants can't be printed; they can only be voided.

EFT payments: After the setup is completed, submitted vouchers with an EFT vendor will have an EFT payment in the Warrant Printing window. Those payments will appear when you click the EFT radio  button in the Warrant Printing window.

Bank accounts: If the invoices are associated with multiple bank accounts, the warrants are grouped by bank account to allow check stock to be changed as needed. Warrants for each bank account display in the Warrants grid. If multiple invoices for the same bank account for the same vendor/employee are included on a voucher, they will be combined into one warrant. If you do not want them to be combined, void the payment voucher and include each invoice on a separate voucher.

Completion: When all warrants in the payment voucher have been printed & verified, the voucher moves to the Paid state. The system automatically creates the general ledger transactions that clears the liability for all warrants contained in the voucher, if AptaFund is configured to create them automatically.

Warrant statuses

New: A warrant that's been included on an Approved voucher, but not yet printed.

Pending: The warrant has been printed, but not verified.

Printed: A warrant has been printed AND verified. Verifying the warrant moves it to the Paid status. When all warrants in the payment voucher have been verified, the voucher moves to the Paid state. The general ledger transaction that clears the liability for all warrants contained in the voucher is created.


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