Set Up Amazon Business as an eCommerce Vendor

  1. Register an account with Amazon Business.

  2. Create an Amazon eCommerce vendor in AptaFund.

  3. Create a user for Amazon Business.

Register an account with Amazon Business

Before setting up anything in AptaFund, an account must be registered with Amazon Business. To register an account, log on to, and set up a business account. As part of this process, Amazon will assign the following information:

Create an Amazon eCommerce vendor in AptaFund

  1. While in the Vendor Management window, click Add Vendor.

  2. Enter the Vendor name. Note: It should be Amazon eCommerce, if there's already another Amazon vendor.

  3. Scroll down to the eCommerce Detail section, and check the eCommerce box to display additional fields.

  4. Optional. Check the Include Shipping Address in Punchout box.

  5. Click the [Use separate values for the To, From and Sender fields] link.

  6. Enter the information from Amazon in the following fields.

  7. Click Save.

The Default A/P Account Code isn't related to this process and can be left blank.

If there's another Amazon vendor and all future requisitions will use the eCommerce vendor, you can disable the non-eCommerce vendor.

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Create users for Amazon Business

Amazon Business requires that all punch out users have an Amazon account, independent of their AptaFund account.

The Amazon Business account must have the same email address as the AptaFund login because AptaFund sends the login email address of the user who initiates the punch out to Amazon, and Amazon matches that up with registered user accounts.

This user creation process can be done in advance on the Amazon Business site, or when the AptaFund user first punches out to Amazon.

Creating a user on the Amazon Business site

  1. Logon to Amazon’s main Business site with an Administrator account.

  2. Click on Business Settings.

  3. Choose Add people from the Add people pull-down list.

  4. Enter the user's AptaFund login email address.

  5. Choose the “PunchOut User” role for the user.

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