Create Employee Contracts — Contract Layout

You can format the contract layout at any time after entering the contract type and saving the contract.

You'll format the layout in five parts — page header, body, block header, block data, signatory title, and page footer.

See About Contract Bookmarks and Formatting

Format the page header

Any information — such as school district name and contract title — entered here will be printed at the top of each page of the contract.  If you want that kind of information to be printed only on the first page, just enter it at the top of the Body section.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Page Header button, and this window opens.

  2. Enter the text that you want to be printed at the top of each page of the contract.

  3. Format the alignment, font, point size, and color as you would in a typical word processing document.

  4. Click OK when you're finished with the page header. Sample

  5. Click Save to save the contract.

Format the body

If you have a contract whose text you want to use, we recommend that you copy the text, and paste it into Notepad or another plain text editor. Then copy the text from Notepad, and paste it into the body layout window. This action will guarantee that no invisible formatting or characters that will affect the printed contracts will be brought into the AptaFund contract.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Body button, and this window opens.

  2. Paste the text from Notepad, or enter the body text directly into the Layout - Body window.

  3. Add bookmarks in appropriate places as needed. To add a bookmark, place your cursor in the text where you want to add the bookmark, then click once on the bookmark in the Bookmark list. Click here for the list of bookmarks.

  4. Insert additional HTML formats as desired. These include line breaks, bordered paragraphs, and employee signature blocks.

  5. Format the text and bookmarks as desired.

  6. Click OK when you're finished formatting the body.

  7. Click Save to save the contract.

Format the block header

You only need to format the block header when there is more than one job on the contract and you're inserting job blocks. You don't need to enter any text in this window; you'll just use it to format the text of the block header — the titles for the job columns you selected — which will appear in the top row of the table displaying the job information.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Block Header Format button, and this window opens.

  2. Click on the Insert HTML pull-down list, and select Value. See illustration.

  3. Highlight the Value bookmark, and format the font, point size, color, and other attributes as you want.

  4. Click OK when you're finished.

  5. Click Save to save the contract.

Format the block data

You only need to format the block data when there is more than one job on the contract and you're inserting job blocks. You don't need to enter any text in this window; you'll just use it to format the text of the job information that will be displayed in the job block.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Block Data Format button, and this window opens.

  2. Click on the Insert HTML pull-down list, and select Value.

  3. Highlight the Value bookmark, and format the font, point size, color, and other attributes as you want.

  4. Click OK when you're finished.

  5. Click Save to save the contract.

Format the signatory title

You only need to complete this section if you've added the SignatureBlock bookmark to the contract body. The formatting you enter here will be applied to the title(s) under the signature(s) of school district personnel that you selected while entering the general information.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Signatory Title Format button, and this window opens.

  2. Click on the Insert HTML pull-down list, and select Value.

  3. Highlight the Value bookmark, and format the font, point size, color, and other attributes as you want.

  4. Click OK when you're finished.

  5. Click Save to save the contract.

Format the page footer

Any information entered here will be printed at the bottom of each page of the contract. For example, you may wish to have the employee initial the bottom of each page, so you could enter the text "Employee Initials:" with a line on which the employee would write her initials.

  1. While in a saved employee contract, click the Page Footer button, and this window opens.

  2. Enter the text that you want to be printed at the bottom of each page of the contract.

  3. Format the alignment, font, point size, and color as you would in a typical word processing document.

  4. Click OK when you're finished with the page footer.

  5. Click Save to save the contract.


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