Edit Jobs for a Group of Employees — Employee Jobs window

Use the Employee Jobs window to edit jobs for multiple employees in a single window.

In addition to changing information for the job, you can copy the job, close it, submit it to/remove it from payroll, and view/edit the payment plan and payment plan distribution for salary jobs in this popup.

If you need to edit jobs for an employee who has already been submitted to payroll, you'll first need to remove the employee from payroll, close active jobs, then make modifications and re-approve the jobs to encumber new/remaining amounts

If the job is part of a controlled position, you need to edit the position instead of the job. First vacate the position, then edit the position, then refill the position.

Note: Payroll functions will only be available here if you have payroll, as well as HR, permissions.

Edit jobs

  1. Select Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: If you want to use the system settings to view this window, select either System: Employee Jobs - Approved Jobs by Employee or System: Employee Jobs - Approved Jobs by Job Title from the gear menu in the upper right corner of the grid.

  2. Check the boxes for the jobs you want to edit, and click Edit. The Edit Employee Job popup opens. Note: Payroll fields will be visible if you have Payroll permissions.

  3. Make the needed changes.

  4. Click Save if editing a single job, or click Save and Next to save the changes and move to the next job.

  5. Click the Employee Jobs link when finished editing.


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