The Banking module has four windows:
Use Bank Management to set up banks and bank accounts.
Use Bank Account Reconciliation to reconcile the accounts with your bank statements and undo a reconciliation.
The Bank Account Register window provides a flattened view of all bank account register transactions with hyperlinks to bank name, bank account number, and GL journal entry, when applicable.
The Banking Cash Accounts window provides a flattened data view of the information in the Bank Management records.
Bank accounts in AptaFund are an abstraction of physical bank accounts.
Bank accounts are tied to account structures. Since the account structure includes definitions for fund and balancing account element values, it indicates valid account code information without being accounting cycle dependent. This fact allows the bank account to exist across accounting cycles.
Bank account transactions, which are tied to specific account codes, are accounting cycle dependent.
The Banking module is tightly integrated with the Contact Management, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Chart of Accounts Administration, Payroll, Cash Receipts, and Purchasing modules.
Bank information is used to format checks printed on blank check stock. Once a bank account is defined, it can be used to print checks/warrants from the Payroll and Accounts Payable modules and create deposits in the Cash Receipts module.
Because critical business functions, such as paycheck printing, cannot take place if bank account information has not been established for a fund, you may want to select a fund to be a Default Bank Account Fund in System Configuration. Then when a new fund is added in Element Value Maintenance in Chart of Accounts Administration, bank account information for the new fund is automatically created based on the default fund set-up.
Attach files to bank account records
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