Save Display Settings

Once you get a list of records arranged the way you want it, you can save the settings so the list will be arranged in that way whenever you log onto the system.

Save using the Table Display Settings window

Saving the table display settings saves only the way columns are arranged and the number of items displayed on a page; it doesn't save any filters you may have applied. It's useful if you want to see the grid arranged the same way each time you open it.

  1. Once you have the list arranged, click the Display Settings button in the upper right-hand toolbar. The Table Display Settings window opens.

  2. Click the User: Store Settings link in the lower left corner.

    The settings are saved and you're returned to the list window.

Note: You may also store the settings for the system if you have admin rights. Then the window will be arranged in the manner you've designated whenever any user logs onto the system.

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Save using the Save Grid Settings window

When you save a window arrangement using the Save Grid Settings window, you can include a filter and a page setup for reports.
You can also designate a set of saved grid settings as a report to be displayed in the Reports list, and from there, on your dashboard and the My Reports section of the My AptaFund menu.

  1. Once you have the list arranged, hover over the in the upper right-hand toolbar. The User Settings menu opens. Note: Once you have saved a filter in this window, there will be more options — such as Edit, Delete, and Set as My Default — in the User Settings menu.

  2. Click on Save, and the Save Grid Settings window opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described.

  4. Click Save.


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