Purchase Requisitions Overview

The Purchase Requisition windows found on the Purchasing and My AptaFund menus are used to add, edit, delete, view, approve, disapprove, and cancel all types of requisition: purchase requisitions, and if using the Warehouse module — warehouse requisitions, and replenishment requisitions.

If set up in Purchasing Configuration, AptaFund can check the budget each time a requisition is submitted for approval.

The requisition approval process is set up in the Administration module.

When a purchase requisition (PR) is approved, a purchase order is automatically created from the requisition. The appropriate user can then issue and approve the PO and send it to the appropriate vendor.

AptaFund provides an eCommerce integration with vendors using the cXML punchout technique which is a standard integration technique used by many vendors across the country. This functionality allows users to pick items directly from vendor websites and add them to their purchase requisitions. See About eCommerce for more information.

Purchase requisition types

Steps in creating a purchase requisition

  1. Enter the header fields using the Admin Purchase Requisitions window or the My Purchase Requisitions window.

  2. Add items to the requisition.

  3. Enter account codes for the items.

  4. Optional. Add shipping cost.

  5. Optional. Apply discounts or premiums.

  6. Optional. Add tax.

  7. Submit the requisition for approval.

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PR statuses

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Other Purchase Requisitions functions & features

About eCommerce

Attach files to a requisition

Edit a requisition

Print a requisition

View the budget for a requisition

Copy a requisition

Delete a requisition

Withdraw a requisition — My Purchase Requisitions window

Requisition approval process overview

Purchase Requisition security


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