Purchasing Overview

The Purchasing module has four parts: Purchasing Configuration, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, and Order Receipt.

It is fully integrated with the General Ledger, Vendor Management, Accounts Payable, & Capital Assets modules.

Setting up the Purchasing module

  1. Use Manage PO Copies to determine the number of PO copies to print and the order in which they print.

  2. Use Manage Signatures to upload signatures and designate the module(s) in which they'll be used.

  3. Enter values in Purchasing Configuration. These values are used to establish account code restrictions, budget checks, authorization thresholds, and other settings. Once established, these settings will only need periodic updating.

Purchasing process

  1. Create a purchase requisition

  2. Submit purchase requisition

  3. Approve purchase requisition — this action automatically creates a purchase order

  4. Change the PO as needed

  5. Combine POs as needed


  1. Create a purchase order


  1. Issue purchase order

  2. Create an order receipt or complete a pending order receipt

  3. Receive the order receipt

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Other Purchasing functions & features

About eCommerce

About using the Amazon eCommerce vendor

About automatically receiving POs vs. Adding assets through Purchasing & Accounts Payable

About purchase requisitions

PO types

Attach files to a requisition or PO

Add items to a requisition

Add shipping cost to a requisition or PO

Apply tax to a requisition or PO

Apply a discount or premium to a requisition or PO

Use tax

Purchase requisition approval process

Approve or disapprove a requisition

Edit a requisition or PO

Create a change order for a PO

Print a requisition or PO

Copy a requisition or PO

Cancel a requisition

Close a PO

Delete a requisition or PO

Purchase Requisition security

Purchase Order security

About three methods of entering assets

My Budget Accounts window

Purchasing reports


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