Billing Process Overview

  1. Setup the AR tables

  2. Create bill schedules

  3. Add items to bill schedules

  4. Validate/approve the bill schedule

  5. Post the bill schedule

  6. Print invoices for the bill schedule

Year-end functions:

AR tables

You'll use the AR tables to set up items once that can then be used repeatedly to speed the billing process.

An example would be to create a Continuing Education category, an In-Service Workshop event/job, and recurring billing items for registration fees, training materials, and catering that are linked to the Continuing Education category. The BOCES or service center can then use a recurring bill schedule to bill the districts for their participation in the continuing education workshops.

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Bill Schedules

Use this window to create invoice batches for one-time and recurring bills. Other actions available in this window are:

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A/R records

Use the A/R Records window to view the list of invoices in the system, review and edit them. Also create invoices that don't result from a bill schedule and create credit memos.

Available actions are:

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Billing Items

Use the Billing Items window to view the list of items included on all the bill schedules (invoice batches). Available actions are:

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